Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 25 – 31, 2022

Are you ready for transformative, introspective energy that brings about another kind of manifestation?

Then buckle up!

We’ve got two major transits—occurring on the same day—that are bringing dynamic energy and spiritual growth your way!

On July 28th, we’ve got a New Moon in Fire sign Leo coming our way, right as Jupiter begins its retrograde period, this time around in the equally fiery sign of Aries. That’s a lot of warmth for one week!

The New Moon in Leo marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and encourages a fresh start, shining a spotlight on Leo themes like friendly, lighthearted, and slightly dramatic energy! The New Moon is also the best time of the month for manifesting everything you want to attract during the Moon’s cycle that will now begin.

On the other hand, benevolent Jupiter—the planet of luck, growth, and wisdom—will be going retrograde in Aries, beginning a five-month period of spiritual evolution.

While retrogrades may typically seem scary, Jupiter retrograde can be an incredibly healing time of internal reflection. This is a time to take a look at the bigger picture and get back on the right path for your spiritual journey.

Together, these two transits signal a week of transformational, reflective energy that is likely to change your life in some way!

Read next: Try This Tarot Spread for the New Moon in Leo

July 25 – 31 is a Week to Prepare, Manifest, & Reflect

Leo brings a lighthearted flair to the New Moon this month, giving you the confidence you need to prepare for the lunar cycle ahead and recognize that you deserve everything you’re about to manifest into your life.

And Jupiter in retrograde urges you to look within to be sure that you’re attracting situations, relationships, and experiences that help you grow as a spiritual being.

Are you ready to manifest that which aligns with your own personal path?

This week, make sure that you still truly want and align with the things you feel you desire in this life.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • Sun: Leo (July 22, 2022 – August 22, 2022)
  • Mercury: Leo (July 19, 2022 – August 4, 2022)
  • Venus: Cancer (July 17, 2022 – August 11, 2022)
  • Mars: Taurus (July 5, 2022 – August 4, 2022)
  • Jupiter: Aries (May 10, 2022 – October 28, 2022)
  • Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, July 25


Leo – Leo season is just beginning, and that warm, sunny feeling should be kicking in about now! Practice plenty of activities that boost your confidence and help to heal your inner child.


Cancer – The Cancer Moon is sensitive, intuitive, and creative, urging you to express deep feelings today. Painting, writing, drawing, and even dancing under the moonlight are perfect healing activities.

Astrological Aspect

Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries – This is a transit that encourages you to have fun rather than focus on hard work. Try to make time for an evening adventure to help you get through the workday!

Don’t miss: 10 Fiery Affirmations You Need for Leo Season

Tuesday, July 26





Astrological Aspect

Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus – You may experience a short temper or aggressive behavior under this planetary influence. Begin the day with yoga or meditation to promote balance and harmony.

Wednesday, July 27





Astrological Aspect

Cancer Moon trine Neptune in Pisces – Your imagination is on fire today, so give it ample space to explore and express itself. It’s a great day to try new forms of art or creative expression that urge you to expand your mind!

Thursday, July 28




Leo – The Leo Moon is childlike and lighthearted, helping you feel friendlier and more confident. This is a great day to share your affection with those you love!

Astrological Aspect

New Moon in Leo & Jupiter retrograde – The New Moon in Leo prepares you for the upcoming lunar cycle, while Jupiter retrograde begins a reflective period of spiritual growth. Get ready to evolve!

Read next: Which Zodiac Signs Are the Most Powerful? (And Which Are Not!)

Friday, July 29





Astrological Aspect

Leo Moon conjunct Mercury in Leo – Your head and your heart play a game of finding balance today, and much can be accomplished when they do. Try balancing the chakras to bring peace between the emotions and the mind,

Saturday, July 30





Read next: 8 Crystals You Need for Leo Season

Sunday, July 31




Virgo – The sensible Virgo Moon helps you see things objectively and pay attention to detail. It’s a great day for housework, spending time outdoors, or even organizing paperwork.

Astrological Aspect

Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries – This incredibly positive transit boosts your confidence, lifts your mood, and raises the vibrations of both yourself and those around you. Spend time with those you love and soak in the good vibes today!

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

About The Author

Rhiannon Liselle

Rhiannon Liselle is a nomadic Sagittarius with a passion for writing and trying to help others grow. She’s studied astrology for about 10 years, and has been writing about metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric subjects for 3 years. Rhiannon lives in the mountains of Colorado, and loves drinking coffee and spending time with her coloring books.
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