Have you been longing for open, honest communication – perhaps with an exciting edge? Then this is your week because the stars are tearing down walls and building deeper bonds this week, thanks to a few key transits.
While we aren’t experiencing many major transits this week, the two that we’re focusing on here today are powerful enough to tear down any barrier and lead us toward a type of honesty that can make dreams come true – if only we allow them to unfold.
The power lies within you.
We see a relatively calm week when it comes to transits, that is, until May 20th when the Sun enters Gemini. Gemini is an intellectual Air sign that encourages you to be more social, creative, and thoughtful. As a result, communication is amplified, and you’re no longer afraid to approach subjects that feel scary or uncomfortable.
This is a time to embrace your eccentricities and refuse to hold your thoughts and feelings back.
The other big transit we experience comes at the end of the week when Saturn goes retrograde on May 23rd. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, discipline, time, and – most importantly – karma.
You may see the word “retrograde” and feel a sense of dread, but Saturn retrograde can actually be a refreshing change of pace.
You see, Saturn is the planet that encourages you to work hard, go hard, never slow down; but, when it’s retrograde, that’s exactly what you should be doing – slowing down to enjoy the moment, stopping to smell the roses, and giving yourself time to consider the path you most desire.
May 17 – May 23 is a Week to Speak Your Mind and Slow Your Pace
While Gemini may encourage nervous energy that wants you to move quickly, you may benefit more from focusing on the intellectual and communicative properties of Gemini season – especially once Saturn slows down and forces a more relaxed pace.
Don’t hold your thoughts back, but rather share them with those around you.
Even if you’re the type who typically prefers to suffer in silence, this transit urges you to let the words flow and keep an open mind. Saturn asks you to reconsider some of the choices you’ve made in the past, which may be the exact thing you need to discuss with someone you trust.
Planetary Locations During May 17 – May 23, 2021

- Sun: Taurus (April 21st, 2021 – May 20th, 2021), Gemini (May 21st, 2021 – June 20th, 2021)
- Mercury: Gemini (May 3rd, 2021 – July 11th, 2021)
- Venus: Gemini (May 8th, 2021 – June 2nd, 2021)
- Mars: Cancer (April 23rd, 2021 – June 11th, 2021)
- Jupiter: Pisces (May 13th – July 28th, 2021)
- Saturn: Aquarius (December 17th, 2020 – March 7th, 2023)
- Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25th, 2026)
- Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30th, 2025)
- Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20th, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for May 17 – May 23, 2021
Monday, May 17
Taurus – The Sun continues its course in grounded, motivating Taurus, encouraging you to focus on work as well as play. This is an excellent time to connect with Mother Nature, infusing your spirit with healing energy and positivity.
Cancer – The Cancer Moon increases sensitivity and heightens intuition. This would be a great day to get in touch with your emotions.
Astrological Aspect
Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn – This transit increases your magnetism and expands your influence over others, making this a great day to persuade others with your brilliant ideas.
Tuesday, May 18
Leo – A Leo Moon is a sign to connect with your inner child and allow them to come out and play. Be creative, run outside, or watch a movie from your childhood that brings you joy.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Leo sextile Mercury in Gemini – This transit brings a sense of fun and excitement to conversations, encouraging you to engage in more chit-chat than deep, philosophical discussions.
So have fun with your interactions today!
Wednesday, May 19
Leo – 2nd Quarter Moon
Astrological Aspect
Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius – Romance is at the forefront of your mind today, and it’s easier for you to share your passion with a partner – or express your interest in a crush.
Be bold today.
Read next: How Do I Navigate Love with Venus in Gemini?
Thursday, May 20
Gemini – The Sun moves into Gemini, marking the beginning of Gemini season and bringing lighthearted excitement to the table. Let your creativity and expressive self shine this month!
Virgo – The Waxing Gibbous in Virgo brings clarity to our emotions. Allow yourself to be more tolerant of the imperfections in your life, as when we invest our emotions too deeply into perfectionism, we never live up to our own expectations.
Astrological Aspect
Sun moving into Gemini – Gemini season is here! Keep yourself busy. New ideas will be flowing.
Read this: Freshen Up Your Living Space for Gemini Season
Friday, May 21
Astrological Aspect
Sun in Gemini square Jupiter in Pisces – Optimism and confidence are in the air today. Hold your head high, and don’t be afraid to put your ideas out there in the world.
Saturday, May 22
Libra – The Libra Moon reflects the social, intellectual energy of the Sun in Gemini, making it even easier to express yourself today. Let the ideas flow naturally.
Astrological Aspect
Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces – This influence can cause metal fog and even confusion. It’s best to spend some time in the morning meditating and clearing the mind.
Sunday, May 23
Astrological Aspect
Saturn retrograde in Aquarius – This transit says, “Slow down, take your time.” Try not to rush to conclusions or push yourself too hard right now, but rather stop and smell the metaphorical roses.
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