Taurus Daily Horoscope: Yesterday

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Jul 25, 2024 - You’ve been plodding along with your inner work, Taurus, but the universe is about to change up the planetary program so get ready for a huge energy shift to come your way. Messenger Mercury has spent the last few weeks on his annual tour through Leo and your foundational 4th House of feelings and family, a highly charged and emotional transit that probably found you dealing with more than one major issue on the home front.

Now, however, the mood lifts as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and dives into Virgo and your fun-loving 5th House of passion and creativity. This sector of your chart rules your artistic pursuits and anything where you get to let your imagination run wild, so don’t be afraid to take an unusual approach to old problems right now. This House rewards courage so take a chance and let the Muse inspire you; your creations could turn out to be worth more than you’d ever expect.

Jul 25, 2024 - What are the things that you keep hidden from your partner? More importantly, ask yourself why it is that you hide those things from them? These are all relevant questions to contemplate today as the Moon is in Aries and in your 12th house.…

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Jul 25, 2024 - The Moon is in Aries and in your 12th house today. You are being asked to review any hidden aspects of your job. Are there any unconscious negative feelings that you have about your work? Ask yourself what those are and identify how you…

Jul 25, 2024 - Taurus, financial matters are infused with beauty and sensibility. Use this time to appreciate the value of your resources and investments. Trust your instincts and indulge in activities that bring you financial and emotional satisfaction.

Jul 25, 2024 - This is a powerful time for rethinking your health practices, Taurus. Including new techniques to help you toward your health goals enables you to implement creative energy into them. This brings new persistance and a strong motivational factor. Make a list of things you…

Jul 25, 2024 - Life has probably felt a little intense lately, Taurus, but the universe is about to change up the planetary program so get ready for a huge energy shift to come your way. Messenger Mercury has spent the last few weeks on his annual tour…

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