Have you ever wondered: what is Aries’ compatibility with other zodiac signs?
Aries is energetic and feisty in life and love. This Cardinal Fire sign brings an effortless heat and playful energy to all of their relationships, which means if you fall in love with an Aries, you must prepare to deal with passionate nights and active days.
Aries are funny and driven, but being the youngest of the zodiac can lead them to be childish regarding commitment and outward affection. If you can enjoy their optimism and endure their speedy tendencies, your love with an Aries man or woman will be a love you will never forget.
Read below to learn about your love compatibility with Aries.

Aries – Aries Compatibility
Sparks fly in an Aries and Aries match, both being strong, passionate lovers. Love and heightened desire enter the scene in this relationship quickly, but it can easily burn out just as fast as it started. Patience and forgiveness are needed for this fire to last!

Aries - Taurus Compatibility
Excitable Aries will be initially attracted to the devotion and quiet nature of the seemingly mysterious Taurus, but both signs will have to work to make this connection long-lasting. Similar in their stubborn yet secretly soft natures, these two can find common ground if they don’t accidentally create scorched earth.

Aries - Gemini Compatibility

Aries - Cancer Compatibility

Aries - Leo Compatibility
Even bold and brash Aries is sure to soften in the strong, passionate presence of fellow Fire elemental Leo. While there may be a conflict of egos in the heat of the flame, these two ultimately play off of each other’s larger-than-life personalities and share this mutual understanding.

Aries - Virgo Compatibility

Aries - Libra Compatibility
Thrill-seeking Aries is sure to find their opposite sign, Libra, very intriguing indeed. Even though wild child Aries may enjoy lighting fires just as much as mediator Libra enjoys putting them out, the chemistry between this pair is still impossible to miss — and hard to resist!

Aries - Scorpio Compatibility

Aries - Sagittarius Compatibility
This freedom-loving Fire sign couple will surely understand each other on a core level of values and ways of seeing life. However, Aries will have to learn to temper their jealousy, as even this wildcard s does not match the amount of independence a Sagittarius often seeks.

Aries - Capricorn Compatibility
An Aries and Capricorn connection can easily be an “opposites attract” situation in many ways, but this curious pair may have more in common than initially meets the eye. If Aries can learn to meet Capricorn in the middle with practical matters, this Cardinal duo may just work.

Aries - Aquarius Compatibility

Aries - Pisces Compatibility
As emotional free spirits, an Aries and Pisces match can offer quite an adventure for both signs, both thriving in their lighthearted natures and a love for playfulness. So long as Aries’ bold honesty and Fire don’t turn off sensitive Pisces, this love match can make for a fun-loving time.