Your August 2023 Tarotscopes

The vibrant, abundant August sun is finally here, and with it comes a slew of spicy astrological events you won’t want to miss.

We kick the month off strong with the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 1st. Did someone say change? It’ll immediately be time to hone in on what makes you unique and how you’d like to contribute to the world at large.

Another particular astrological transit of note is Mercury retrograde taking off in Virgo on the 23rd (the same day Virgo season itself begins). It’s time to be taking care of yourself and examining every little flaw in your schedule that could use some improvement…it may not always be fun, but it’ll be productive!

This mixed bag of vibes can hit us on an individual level in various ways, depending on your identity and personal zodiac chart. That’s why we also like to look at the Tarot to give us a more significant but personal picture (using one Major Arcana and one Minor Arcana each).

Read all about the major & minor transits happening this August with our free astrology calendar!

Time for Your August 2023 Tarot Predictions


The Magician (Reversed) & Ace of Swords (Reversed)

Unfortunately for Aries, this month is going to require a few steps back.

With The Magician and the Ace of Swords both sitting upside-down, we have a few unpleasant themes you’re bound to expect: burnout, setbacks in plans, and new ideas running thin. Each time you try to start something new this month, you’ll likely encounter difficulties and frustrations.

So then, what’s the way through? Well, we know you’re a firestarter, so the prospect of sitting back and doing nothing will likely be unappealing. 

However, this is a chance for some much-needed rest, self-reflection, and cleansing.


The Moon & 4 of Swords

Taurus’ month has a spiritual tone extending an umbrella over just about everything in your life.

The Moon brings magic, whimsy, and a little bit of unconscious chaos to your month. You may be drawn into the secrets of the Universe, suddenly aware of how much… you’re not aware of.

Simultaneously, the 4 of Swords asks you to pull back from extensive action and rest up a lot during this time. Although the forecasted events are a little more esoteric and internal, that doesn’t mean they can’t take a physical toll.

Ask important questions, and then remember to reward yourself for a good night’s rest.


The Emperor & King of Wands

Gemini is really feeling themselves this month.

The Emperor and the King of Wands are both cards of passionate, powerful, and confident leadership. You’re channeling the expertise of The Emperor and coupling it with the vibrance of the King of Wands, serving up a delicious serving of spark, adventure, and a go-getter spirit.

As a result, this month has been very self-driven. Every goal you accomplish and every gift you receive will be things you achieved through your willpower.

Nothing will be handed to you for free, but there’s nothing quite like independence and the opportunity to lead.


Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) & 4 of Cups (Reversed)

Cancer is determined to forge their own path… but it’s not the easiest course of action in the world.

The Wheel of Fortune reversed points to your dissatisfaction and feelings of disconnect with the world around you. It sometimes seems like the Universe is rooting against you, and you’re using August to closely examine that bond between you and what exists beyond.

Coupled with the 4 of Cups reversed, it’s obvious that you’re just tired of feeling discontent and stagnant. You just want a bit of a break — some whimsy, excitement, or even a bit of chaos- to shake things up.

These uncomfortable desires are propelling you to make changes and be honest with yourself about your true needs, making August a great, even if difficult, month for self-growth.


Judgement (Reversed) & 5 of Swords

Leo, this month is almost entirely out of your hands.

Judgement reversed points out how you probably will frequently feel left in the dark this month. You aren’t always certain of where you belong, and at worst, you may even second-guess your own capabilities and path in life.

This is likely because the 5 of Swords stirs up chaos in the world around you. People aren’t cooperating like usual, and it seems like everyone’s worst intentions are coming out all at once.

You won’t be able to control anyone’s actions, so the best thing you can do for yourself is rest up, be kind and forgiving to yourself, and remember that this, too, shall pass.


The Devil & Knight of Swords

Virgo is sharpening the metaphorical sword this August.

The Devil spotlights some of your deepest insecurities, old baggage, and goals that you may be fixating on with less-than-ideal motivations. (For example, are you chasing after something just because you feel like you have something to prove?).

However, the Knight of Swords indicates that you’re using this as an opportunity to work through some of these things very seriously. You’re feeling productive, revved up, and ready to take concrete action.

This attitude is what will make the difference. You’ll be able to turn the darkness of The Devil into something beautiful.


Strength (Reversed) & 7 of Cups

Libra may not be certain of what their next steps should be, but that’s not really the main thing of concern.

The 7 of Cups describes how the biggest difficulty at hand this month will likely be your indecisiveness. It will frequently feel like there are too many possibilities, too many choices, and too many “correct” answers to make a proper plan of action.

But Strength reversed indicates that the real issue at hand is causing chaos and instability within yourself. It’s far better to make a silly choice than to sit forever in eternal chaos and confusion, eventually fracturing the relationship you have with yourself and your intuition.

The only wrong choice is not making one, Libra.

Learn more: Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards


The Star (Reversed) & Knight of Cups (Reversed)

Scorpio’s reputation as deep and brooding is shining with a particular amount of obviousness this month.

As The Star reversed prevents you from moving forward onto bigger, better, and healing things, the Knight of Cups reversed forecasts some understandable emotional frustrations and turmoil that can come with that experience.

You’re feeling very deeply this month, and it may frequently feel like you’re destined to be caught in repeating cycles, doomed to never make it out of the same harmful loops and emotions. However, the gloom and doom attitude is what would really keep you in such a loop — not the Universe conspiring against you.

Remember that you are strong and capable of anything, Scorpio — and despite how it may sometimes feel, the Universe is rooting for you.


The Hermit (Reversed) & 9 of Swords (Reversed)

Sagittarius is caught deeply within their own mind this month.

As the wild archer, you learn and philosophize through experience, often using your adventures as wisdom later down the line. But this month, The Hermit reversed, and the 9 of Swords reversed note that your mind may be more of a weapon than a tool of support.

There are many unanswered questions that you feel need to be answered, and so this month involves much contemplation and perhaps some overthinking. 

But no matter how many questions seem urgent… life itself is waiting for you on the other side. Don’t forget who you are and how you usually best learn.


The Sun & Knight of Wands

Capricorn’s month is bright, radiant, and full of vibrant action.

The Sun and the Knight of Wands both carry a passionate blaze of self-confidence and joy. You’re moving through the world with confidence, more connected to who you really are and the purpose that drives you.

It’s important to allow happiness, joy, and enthusiasm for your passions to be the motivating factor behind any choices and plans this month. Cold logic and external opinions? Those can be thrown out the door.

Shine bright and enjoy, Capricorn!


The Empress (Reversed) & 7 of Wands (Reversed)

Aquarius wants to be building, creating, and fortifying their abundance… but there’s something “off” this month.

The Empress reversed, and the 7 of Wands reversed reflect the go-getter attitude you are feeling surrounding your desires for stability and prosperity. Those desires are genuine and true, but you need to check in with the thing that’s really driving the actions that pursue them.

In other words, are you pursuing abundance out of fear that you won’t have enough? You may be exerting too much effort to get what you want, which will eventually run your energetic tank dry.

Remember that you are deserving of good things, and life isn’t always an uphill battle to reach them, either.


The Tower (Reversed) & 3 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Pisces is pushing chaos behind but may also be pushing worthwhile connections away in the process.

The Tower reversed reflects your desire to get away from the noise, destruction, and less-than-pretty transformations of the world around you. While everyone and everything falls to ash, you know that you don’t want to be caught in the rubble.

However, the 3 of Pentacles reversed warns against becoming too isolated in your approach. You may be icing out worthwhile opinions and people that could be worth your time.

Trust your instincts, but remember that balance in everything is important too.

Did You Know This About Tarotoscopes?

Believe it or not, Tarotscopes have more uses than you think.

Of course, they’re a nifty tool for getting a picture of how your month or week ahead might look. The broad overview of likely energies on the horizon is a helpful way of examining your connection with the Universe and how everything connects.

However, you can also use your Tarotscopes by:

  • Reviewing a Tarotscope after time has passed for self-reflection
  • Learning the Tarot by studying it in real time as its events play out before you
  • Being proactive about your life and seeing which parts of the Tarotscope you may want to change or influence through your own free will

Take the time to review the past: Your July 2023 Tarotscopes


About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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