Your Empowering July 2023 Tarotscopes

The midway point of 2023 is here, and as we approach the second leg of the year, it’s time to reflect on how we can finish strong. We still have quite a few astrological contenders of note that can and will shake up the field, so there’s no time to sit back and throw in the towel. For example, Venus in Leo will take its retrograde on the 22nd, the same time that Leo season itself will start.

As you can see, July has its own fair share of surprises and gifts. If you’ve been unsatisfied with 2023 thus far, the time to make changes is now.

That’s why we have referred to the Tarot to help us out, with one Major Arcana and Minor Arcana each, in our monthly Tarotscope.

Looking for more? Check out our free 3-card interactive Tarot reading right now for more insights!

Your July 2023 Tarotscope


The Magician & 10 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Although the turf may be unstable, Aries is determined to make it all work.

The 10 of Pentacles reversed indicates that your current routines, sense of a long-term plan, and overall stability may feel shaky this month. The foundation of the moment isn’t as comfortable as you would like.

However, The Magician still notes that you’re feeling creative, inspired, and engaged in your own projects and ideas. Even if life itself isn’t providing the most comfortable working environment, that won’t stop brave and bold Aries.

With a go-getter spirit and can-do attitude, you’re on track to power through any difficulties life may throw in your direction.


Judgement (Reversed) & 7 of Swords (Reversed)

Taurus may be struggling with their own mind and senses this month.

Judgement reversed, and the 7 of Swords reversed shows you are trying to wrestle with your own mind, awareness, and… well, sense of judgement. You may be questioning yourself more this month, finding self-doubt to creep up on you more frequently than usual.

It’s likely that you may question your own values, morals, and your participation in the larger collective. Where do you belong? What are you called to do? These are the kinds of questions you may struggle with.

It’s time, to be honest, vulnerable, and authentic. And remember: while the mind may struggle, the heart never wavers.


Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) & King of Cups (Reversed)

Gemini’s typical open-minded, happy go-lucky-attitude may waver this month.

As the Wheel of Fortune reversed indicates that you may feel disconnected from the Universe and uncertain of the next steps, the King of Cups reversed notes that this may cause feelings of frustration, disconnect, and unease within the heart.

Basically, you’re not quite feeling like yourself this month, and the Universe doesn’t seem to be cooperating either. However, times of disconnect like these can bring about unexpected inner illumination too.

Even though you may feel like you’re amidst an unwelcome bizarre limbo period, it’s time to get a little introspective in order to make the most of it.


The Hanged Man & 4 of Wands (Reversed)

Cancer, for the most part, may be flying solo this month.

The 4 of Wands reversed suggests that when it comes to love and friendships, there may be rifts, disagreements, or overall just a bit of distance that’s preventing a real heart-to-heart this month.

However, The Hanged Man certainly indicates that you’ll be making the most of it, aware that sometimes these times of solitude can be illuminating and productive.

Basically, when it comes to self-reflection, this month can be especially ideal.


Justice & Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Leo may not be feeling like their usual fun, confident self.

With the Queen of Wands reversed, that inner light suddenly may feel dimmer. There’s just not as much energy in your tank right now, and some self-doubt may even arise because of it.

However, Justice notes that whether or not you feel like yourself, the world will still be pushing things into balance. In fact, some of these contemplative, self-doubting thoughts may even help you balance out your heart, mind, and body by the end of July.

So despite the discomfort, the Universe is trying to push you in the right direction.


The Star & 9 of Wands

Virgo is embracing new beginnings, healing, and replenishing energy this month.

As The Star graces your month with rejuvenating energy, spiritual insights, and a special connection with the Universe, you may feel especially calm and open-hearted this month.

However, the 9 of Wands shows that even here, you may have your own reservations. You’re approaching these opportunities of pause and relaxation with some caution, not trying to rest too hard to the point that you forget your responsibilities.

While this is an admirable approach, remember that there’s nothing wrong with catching your breath, Virgo.


The Empress & Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Libra is coming through with a strong sense for abundance this month.

The Empress is the card that mostly forecasts this, as you seem to be embracing your own creative senses, intuitive understanding of abundance and stability, and integrating the spiritual into the practical.

This means that when it comes to a Knight of Pentacles approach, which is more purely practical and logistical, you may run into issues (as the reversal would suggest).

So finding that balance between the unseen (emotions, intuition) and the seen (practical matters and responsibilities) this month is your key to your success.


The Devil (Reversed) & King of Pentacles (Reversed)

Scorpio is trying to let go of what does not serve them, although it doesn’t come easily.

The Devil reversed shows you are trying to make those moves, as this card in this position notes the release of what is old, burdening, and constricting. It’s time, to be honest about what really has been holding you back.

With the King of Pentacles reversed. However, you may find particular difficulty in letting go of physical things — comfort habits, money-related habits, and the likes — that you’ve become accustomed to.

While it may be difficult, sometimes stretching outside of that comfort zone is essential to making more important progress later.


The World (Reversed) & 10 of Cups

Sagittarius — are you ready to take your happiness into your own hands?

The 10 of Cups hints that you very well may be. Your long-term contentment, spiritual fulfillment, and emotional well-being are major themes coming into focus for this month as you examine what does and does not fit into your life.

The World reversed notes that, ready or not, you may be forced to examine (up close and personal) those pieces of your life that won’t lead to the fulfillment you seek later down the line. Anything that is only providing short-term thrills or gains may fall by the wayside.

And while that shift may be uncomfortable, you’ll have to remember that sometimes a loss of that nature is not really a loss at all.


The High Priestess (Reversed) & 5 of Swords

Capricorn’s month is coming with some particularly rocky waves.

The High Priestess reversed articulates a strong disconnect between you and your own intuition. The mysteries of life feel unsolvable lately, and your intuitive senses are just not coming into focus in the way that they normally do.

And as the 5 of Swords looms over your month, this is overall going to be a time of conflict, frustration, and social discord. This month, gossip, foul play, and miscommunications run rampant throughout your path.

With so much chaos afoot, you’ll need to be extra patient and forgiving with yourself and others this July.


The Hermit (Reversed) & Page of Cups

Aquarius may struggle to know the answers, but maybe the answers aren’t important right now.

The Hermit reversed notes that you probably won’t feel most experienced or well-versed in your field this month. You may struggle to come up with solutions to the problems that others present to you or even struggle to solve your own.

But the Page of Cups brings an open-hearted, spiritually-receptive approach to the table that helps you find contentment and resolution in other ways. 

This card reminds you that as long as you remain open to learning, you don’t have to know all the answers.


The Lovers (Reversed) & Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

Pisces is facing blocks and obstacles on top of blocks and obstacles.

The Lovers reversed creates blockages in your emotions, relationships, and decision-making. And the Ace of Pentacles reversed creates blockages in new opportunities, practical affairs, and finances.

While this may seem all-encompassing, the truth is that a blockage is just a blockage. It prevents you from moving forward but doesn’t indicate that you’re going to lose everything in these areas.

So stay patient, stay alert, and take deep breaths. This, too, shall pass.

How to Use Your Tarotscope

You’re now even closer to understanding what energies the month of July may have in store for you.

However, the Tarot isn’t just something you only must take in once and let go of immediately after. You can pick up this age-old craft anytime, and with some practice, you may find that its insights speak to you with ease.

Here’s a curated list of resources to set you off on your Tarot journey:

Related article: 4 Beginner Tarot Practices to Level Up Your Readings


About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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