How to Move Forward Your Great Conjunction Goals

Fellow earthlings, we are in a MAJOR time astrologically! And I don’t mean for the month, or the year, or even the decade – I mean in like, human history!

Last month, on December 21st, 2020, we had what was called the Great Conjunction, which is when Jupiter and Saturn conjunct (come together in the same spot). This happens roughly every 20 years, and the last time was in 2000.

But this Great Conjunction wasn’t just any Great Conjunction. It was also the Great Mutation!

The Great Mutation is when the Great Conjunction (when Jupiter conjuncts Saturn) changes elements. Are you a little bit confused? Don’t worry. We’re here to explain.

There are four elements in astrology:

The 12 zodiac signs are split up between the elements like so:

Great Conjunctions happen for a while in the signs of the same element. They had been in Earth signs for about 200 years – until now!

A Little Bit About the Great Conjunction

Last month’s Great Conjunction occurred with Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn in Aquarius, an Air sign, and we’re now in a period of many Great Conjunctions in an Air sign. It’s been about 800 years since we last had them in Air signs!

Even the astronomy was significant.

According to NASA, it was 400 years since Jupiter and Saturn were as close together as they came, and 800 years since they came together at night.

Now, do you get why it’s a big event in human history? We’re talking about nearly a millennium, and we’re just at the start!

The start of the Earth sign Great Conjunctions brought the Industrial Revolution. The last time we had Air sign Great Conjunctions, that brought the Renaissance. Are we at the beginning of a new Renaissance? It certainly does feel like we’re undergoing major changes, doesn’t it?

Learn more about Air sign energy by reading: Understanding Air Signs in Astrology

What the Great Conjunction Means for You

So, let’s go back to this Great Conjunction from December 21st, 2020.

It occurred at 0 degrees Aquarius, which is the very beginning of a sign. Jupiter and Saturn had just moved into Aquarius when they conjuncted.

Aquarius is the sign of change and the future, so it fits pretty perfectly for this era we’re now in. We’re focused on what we want to change and what the future holds. What do you want your future to be?

This theme is dominant this year.

Right now, it’s strong because we have the Sun and Mercury both in Aquarius with Jupiter and Saturn, Mercury about to retrograde in Aquarius (starting January 30th), Venus moving into Aquarius (February 1st), and a New Moon in Aquarius (February 11th).

Big Aquarius energy!

We are extra focused on this energy at the moment. We’re thinking about the future, we’re hopeful and dreamy, and we’re more open to change than we likely have been in a very long time.

Saturn and Uranus will also be square throughout this year as the main aspect for 2021. Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius, and Saturn rules the way things have always been, so we’re stripping things down all year to make room for the new and the future.

Add in Saturn will be in Aquarius until March 2023, which is when Pluto exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius for many years – we’ve got about two decades of Aquarius energy to use! This truly is a time of brand new beginnings, new journeys, and even whole new ways of life.

Learn more about Saturn: Lord of Karma & All About the Lucky Planet Jupiter

Focusing on Your Great Conjunction Goals

For most of us, our Great Conjunction goals will likely focus on one of two areas: the natal house the conjunction occurs in or natal planets it closely aspects.

Find the house in your birth chart where 0 degrees Aquarius falls (this will usually be the house with Capricorn on the cusp). The areas of life that house rules are probably where you’ve got at least one Great Conjunction goal set.

Look for any planets in your natal chart at 0 degrees.

This is the degree location of the Great Conjunction, and that planet gets direct impact. What does it rule? What does it do in your natal chart? These can tie into your main Great Conjunction goals as well.

Any natal planet in Aquarius (especially under 10 degrees) is conjunct the Great Conjunction. Anyone with a planet early in Aquarius gets the biggest impact from this (it’s just like those who had Capricorn planets in the mid-20-degrees in 2020 with the Capricorn stellium).

You likely won’t be able to escape the impact – so don’t run from it and embrace it instead!

Don’t know your natal house or planetary positions? Use the free birth chart generator and find out right now.

First, you need to understand that whatever is being impacted, whatever your goals are, this isn’t short-term. This isn’t a few weeks, months, or this year. You need to think in years, even decades of your life.

As long-term as it gets!

Your goals should be ones where you’re in it for the long haul and not looking for quick fixes and fast turnarounds. You are setting up your life for many years to come, so make sure it’s something you can live with that long comfortably.

Great Conjunction Career Goals

If you’re focusing on career goals, think about what you want to be doing professionally for the next 20-30 years. If you’re in your 20s or 30s now, this time is probably setting you up for your first (or only!) career, while if you’re in your 40s or 50s, you may be looking at a second act.

Let your creativity fly, and be open to getting help from groups or friends (ruled by Aquarius). The internet and technology are undoubtedly going to become much more dominant (also ruled by Aquarius), so think about how you can use that professionally.

Aquarius loves what’s different, so you may also need to be open to doing things differently. The way it’s always been done may not be the right way at this point, or it may need to be approached in a fresh way.

Think about that as you focus on your professional goals.

Great Conjunction Love & Relationship Goals

If you’re focusing on love and relationship goals, the nice thing is Aquarius (and the Air signs) is a social zodiac sign, so we inherently want to come together more thanks to this Great Conjunction.

But Aquarius is also really independent and unconventional, so traditional commitment norms may change.

In terms of your own relationship goals, if you’re single, be open to meeting someone unconventionally, or be open to someone who is totally not your usual type, or be open to a relationship that is a little different from the norm.

We’re likely making a lot more connections, especially online, so meeting someone new can come with some technological assistance or the help of friends and acquaintances.

If you’re in a relationship and want to take things to the next level somehow, again, think about maybe strengthening your commitment in a different way. Also, make sure both you and your partner are free to express your individuality together, and neither of you is losing yourself to the relationship (Aquarius doesn’t like that!).

Read this article next: How Numerology Can Help You Set Your Goals

The Great Conjunction for the Astrological Elements

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

The Great Conjunction targets your social arenas, so you can focus on improving connection and communication. You can bring new people into your life over the next few years (and decades!), and expand your social circle, enter into new partnerships, and expand commitment.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

The Great Conjunction targets your professional sectors, so you can focus on your career goals, life direction, the work you’re passionate about doing, and being rewarded for what you do. You can get more recognition and build something solid and stable.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

The Great Conjunction stimulates fun and creativity for you, so you can focus on bringing more joy into your life, connecting to your heart, having new experiences, and doing what you want for yourself. You can get out there and go big and bold.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

The Great Conjunction stimulates your emotions, so you can get more in tune with what you feel, strengthen or build an entirely new internal foundation to improve security, transform in big ways, grow stronger, and let go. You can heal, grow, and forge a spiritual connection.

Use the Great Conjunction to Your Advantage

Whatever goals you do have, keep the Aquarius energy in mind.

Aquarius likes change, wants to keep us on our toes, is innovative and original, independent, and free-thinking.

Be flexible and open to changes with your goals as you go along, think outside of the box with your plans, don’t be afraid to be original with what you do, and open up your mind.

I would also say, given this is in Aquarius, which governs charity and humanitarianism, to make sure at least one of your goals isn’t just for you but for the benefit of the world at large. With Aquarius also ruling the masses, we have the ability to have a much broader impact and should do so thoughtfully and with compassion.

Good luck with your Great Conjunction goals and beyond!

Related article:Your 2021 Ultimate Guide to the Stars

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