Anu Sataluri

Anu is an inquisitive Gemini Sun, Aquarius Rising, and Pisces Moon headlining as a clinical researcher turned chakra energy healer and content writer.Through her writing, she strives to educate readers to rethink how they view the health of mind, body, and spirit. As a chakra healer, she is helping others release their subconscious mind’s beliefs, heal their chakra imbalances, and regain health and happiness.Anu has been studying astrology for the past four years, and she says that a day doesn’t go by for her where she doesn’t ponder over planetary conjunctions or daily transits. She is also into intuitive vegan cooking, drinks tea all day long, and enjoys traveling.You can find Anu and her work on Instagram @anu_sataluri.

Survive the Upcoming New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Mark your calendars cosmic warriors! We’re officially in eclipse season! After a month of raring-to-go Aries energy, get ready to step into earthy vibes with a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, 2022. Eclipses herald a time of abrupt life changes. There’s an “It’s-meant-to-be” energy this month that’s hard to miss. To […]

Survive the Upcoming New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Taurus Read More »

Do You Have Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart? Here’s What it Means….

Are you new to astrology? Maybe your curiosity made you dig your head into understanding how to read your birth chart? And slowly but surely, perhaps the following astrology jargon will start to make sense: Zodiac signs What each planet means Astrological houses Your Ascendant sign Your Moon sign Psst: We’re super excited for you

Do You Have Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart? Here’s What it Means…. Read More »

Unleash Your Magic Using Numerology & the 222 Power of February 22, 2022

​Is it 2:22 every time you look at the clock? Does your head turn each time cars with 2222 on their number plates pass you by while driving? And maybe you buy coffee for exactly $2.22? Perhaps, you started questioning why repeating 2s are following you more than usual this month of February 2022? Full

Unleash Your Magic Using Numerology & the 222 Power of February 22, 2022 Read More »

Are you a Narcissist? Here’s What the Stars Have to Say

Did you ever run into a narcissist? Or are you one yourself? Raise your hand (both hands) if you agree that pathological narcissists are awful people. A narcissist’s denial of their own childhood trauma and ability to inflict pain upon others makes them an interesting case study in both psychology and astrology. But did you

Are you a Narcissist? Here’s What the Stars Have to Say Read More »

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the Capricorn Stellium

Capricorn season 2022 has more than the usual planetary presence. The skies are gearing up for a whole lot of action, and so are we! All of the cosmos decided to flock together in the tenacious Earth sign of Capricorn. Right now, a whopping five planets are forming a Capricorn stellium. Some astrology 101 for

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the Capricorn Stellium Read More »

4 Spiritual Hacks To Manifest Your 2022 Goals Using The 111 Power of January 11th

We’re five days into the New Year—Hello, 2022! The vibe going around this Capricorn season is infectious and hard to miss. It seems that everyone is making vision boards. And we bet you, too, are you ready to manifest your 2022 dream life! And we are just a few days away from January 11th, a

4 Spiritual Hacks To Manifest Your 2022 Goals Using The 111 Power of January 11th Read More »

What’s the Worst Thing That Could Happen to Your Zodiac Sign in 2022?

Folks, it’s officially bye-bye, 2021! Are you ready to pop champagne and ring in 2022? Raise your hand if this is you on January 1st (we see you, Capricorns, and Virgos!) Filled out new year planner – check! Vision board created – check! Journaled your affirmations – check! Eagerly awaiting astrology 2022 predictions –? We

What’s the Worst Thing That Could Happen to Your Zodiac Sign in 2022? Read More »

A Spiritual Moon Ritual to Survive the Lunar Eclipse This Week

Do you want to be done and done with Scorpio season already? The skies are whispering, “not so fast!” for here comes this year’s final eclipse season. Mark your calendars for a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19th. It’s an energy that is sure to shake up our sense of stability and

A Spiritual Moon Ritual to Survive the Lunar Eclipse This Week Read More »

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